I was a little hungry from Tuesdays medium day so went heavy on the bench today. I did a 520 tng last month so my goal was to beat that.
135 for 10 2 sets
225 for 3
275 for 2
315 for 1
405 for 1
455 for 1
510 for 1
525 for 0
I lost about halfway. 510 felt good and I was 50/50 on making 525. My training has been very off season esque and Im actually pretty pleased with my bench strength right now. I think if I keep slaying the close grip and add back in cat and dead work with heavier assistance work a pr is near.
Clos grip Swiss bar over head press
138 x3x10
these were weird. I used the angled close grip. Lots of tricep on these.
Flat fly
75s for 2 sets of 8
Leaning body weight tricep ext with band around back
3 sets of 10. I liked these.
Im deloading next week and I think I'm ready to start adding in cat work and bumping up the over head work. Working slow and don't want use all the tricks too early.
I bottled my third batch of home brew today during the blizzard. it tastes great already.