Tonight was a good first night back for the bench. My right shoulder is stiff but it was workable. We stayed in the 70-80% range for all major lifts and worked the closer grips to keep the lighter weights hard. In sticking with the new rules of this cycle we finished with abs and conditioning. The battle ropes are fun and blow the delts/arms/ upper back up while winding you at the same time.
Close grip bench with thumbs out grip
135 for 5 4 sets. Shoulders were tight
185 for 5
225 for 3
315 for 3
385 for 3
425 for 3
cat bench with thumbs out grip
315 for 3 sets of 3
dead bench with thumbs out grip
415 for 3 singles
Close grip inclines
135 for 5
225 for 5
315 for 5
roll em downs
up to 95s for 8
Incline fly
up to 75s for 8
Standing cable abs
3 sets of 15
battle ropes
5 sets of 20 seconds