My bench has been feeling pretty strong lately. Due to schedule conflicts I had to bench late in the evening by myself, so I opted for a higher rep day and used the shoulder saver for all my sets.
Bench with Shoulder Saver:
135x15 x 2sets
225x15 x 2 sets
275x15 x 2 sets
315x15 x 1 set
365x2 x 1 set
385x2 x 1 set
405x1 x 1 set
Still feeling pretty strong, the hardest part was unracking the weight. I have had a little bicep tendonitis from squatting recently and it was bugging me a little today from my squat yesterday, but now awful.
Accessory work:
DB shoulder press 3x12
DB incline Press 3x12
100 Tricep pushdowns
100 band pull aparts.