I started very conservative at 315 and did 5x5 and planned to add 10 lbs to the bar every week and do 5x5 'till I miss a rep. This week called for 355lbs 5x5. My max is 430 in a meet and I haven't really been pushing it since I recently did a deadlift only meet so I didn't know how this was going to go but was pleasantly surprised.
Bench Press:
bar x10
355x 5x5
Like I said, I was very happy with how these felt.
Accessory work:
Incline 185 3x10
Lat Pull down 3x10 -heavy
100 band pull a parts
Next week I plan to hit 365 5x5 and keep going up as long as I can. when I miss a rep I will go back to the weight 2 weeks prior and hit 5x3 as long as I can.