Rest pause bench with pauses

135 for 5 3 sets

225 for 2

315 for 2

365 for 2

405 for 2

455 for 4 singles with a pause with 30 seconds rest in between sets. I use a pinky on the ring grip

cat bench

365 for 3 sets of 3

dead bench

405, 425, 435 for 1 each

close grip paused incline

225 for 3

315 for 3

365 for 3

tate press

35s for 8

65s for 8

75s for 8

body weight leaning exts

2 sets of 15


TONIGHT WAS A TOUGH ONE.  COMING OFF JULYS MEET CYCLE AND THEN 5 weeks of prep for bench nationals fought up with me.  I made it through but things weren't easy.  I'm hoping I can get some good sleep this weekend.  We have several party plans for the weekend so we will see.