Tonight was bench night.  I came in tonight wanting to bench and do some I havent done before (or if I have I dont remeber doing it).  I wanted to do some reps with something heavy(For me).  It took two tries but I walked out feeling good.  By good I mean exhausted, sore, dehydrated, dizzy, oh yea.....and proud.

Bench Comp grip

135 for 5 3 sets

225 for 3

315 for 3

405 for 3

455 for 4!!!!!! I wanted 5 and I missed the 5th rep.  I was pissed off as I know I had 5.  I rested 5 minutes and went again.

455 for 5!!!!! PR  Last time I did a 5 rep set it was at 440 and that was during the mini cycle for the meet I benched 525 at. 

Video of 455 for 5


CAT bench with rest pause sets of 30 seconds

370 for 3 sets of 3 with pinky on ring

These were brutal with the RP style

Dead benchs with pinky on ring

440 for 3 singles

I was supposed to do Swiss bar over head presses but I opted for swiss press bar front raises

3 sets of 15 with the bar

Flat Db flys

65s for 8

75s for 8

85s for 8

Barbell tricep exts

135 for 8

185 for 8

225 for 8


battle ropes

John and I split a tabata with the ropes

20 seconds on, 10 seconds rest, switch.  Love these.