Going off Tuesdays need to be extreme I decided to bang out a heavy bench.  I warmed up with the Indian clubs, peck mobs, and got shaking.

Bench. I haven't benched with my feet down or outside of a thumbs out grip for 5 weeks. I was curious to see how my strength was in my competition technique.

135 for 2 sets of 10

225 for 5

315 for 3

405 for 2

500 for 1

520 for 1

520 raw bench


this moved well.  I was very happy to do a 520 tng tonight. It's funny how I spend the bulk of my training in the low 4s and move two singles over 5.  I need to be very mindful of what just transpired and how I plan my next block of training. Less is more.

Close grip paused feet up bench

225 for 5

315 for 5

405 for 5

added elitefts shoulder saver pad

405 for 5


3 sets of 10

1 arm over head db ext

2 sets of 10 with 35s

bw tricep ext while leaning on bar

2 sets of 15

db front raise / side raise super set

35s for 8 reps 2 sets each set back to back for 4 sets in a row
