I had the itch to spice things up today. I decoded to do some dead benching and then add some reverse bands. John and I were going strong and started to look at the gym and realized it was a mess. We moved some weight trees, relocated the attachment stand next to the lat pull down(Why did we ever put them across the room from each other anyway?). We did this and time got away from me and I had to go home because the wife needed to hit the gym as well. no assistance work for me today. ill live.
Dead bench. the bar was at chest level.
Straight weight
135 for 2 sets of 5
225 for 2 sets of 3
315 for 1
405 for 1
455 for 1
Added reverse bands
515 for 1
585 for 1
Video of 585
This was cool. I haven't done a reverse band anything in years. I haven't had 585 in my hands in years either. It was heavy. MY shoulder and elbow cracked like bubble wrap on the way up. Was nice to mix it up.
Paused Close grip incline with Elitefts shoulder saver pad
135 for 3
225 for 3
315 for 3
385 for 1
this was heavy. I thought i had a double or triple. Not today. Must have been the heavy deads.
GYM clean for 25 minutes
Realized I had to go
I just wrote a program for a online client I work with. After reviewing the document for edits I decided "hey that's not bad" I should do that too! Its the first mini cycle of a 12 week prep for APF Nationals. I dont have a meet in mind yet but it at least gives me a road map. So now I have a plan for the next 4 weeks. I haven't entered the gym with a plan since October. I guess its for those again....you know... those purposeful..meaningful...training type things. On another note my holiday ale is ready. Im about to start bottling.