Tonight was a great night in the gym. I hit all the numbers I planned to and had some fun trying some new things. Next week is a deload. The meet is 6 weeks away.


135 for 10
225 for 3
315 for 3
385 for 1
425 for 1
480 for 3

Video of 480x3

This was a good set. I got lost In the middle of the third rep and had to get all bobby fisher on it to get through transition.

Paused Cat bench with 15 second rest pause and descending weights

450 for 1
15 seconds rest
425 for 1
15 seconds rest

450,425,405 cat singles drop set with 15 second rest pause

This was a cool set. It was very highschool-esque of me. I almost dropped down to 225 and did a "burn out" set.

Dead bench

405 for 1
425 for 1
455 for 1

455 dead bench

Close thumbs out grip incline with elitefts shoulder saver pad

225 for 5
315 for 5
385 for 3

385x3 close grip incline with elitefts shoulder saver pad

Low incline fly / roll em downs

We did 1 fly rep and then one roll em down. That was 1 rep
25s for 8
50s for 8
70s for 8
75s for 8

Video of 75s for 5

These were cool. They added up fast.
