Bench night went well today. Hit all my numbers and enjoyed it.
bench with start and pause commands
135 for 10 2 sets
225 for 3
315 for 1
385 for 1
455 for 1
510 for 1
515 for 1
video of 515
cat bench
425 for 2 sets of 2
video of 425 cat work
dead bench
425 for 1
475 for 1
video of 475 dead bench
Incline with elitefts shoulder saver pad and thumbs out grip
135 for 3
225 for 3
315 for 3
405 for 2
flat db fly
65s for 8
95s for 8
rollems downs
65s for 8
95s for 8
from raise with elitefts Swiss press bar
2 sets of 8 focusing on mobility and stretch at top
great workout. Things clicking.