My last competition was XPC Finals at the Arnold Classic in March. I'm currently adapting my training to some hip joint problems and plan on competing in a raw meet in the Fall.  I am currently using a linear waved setup for my training - using Jim Wendler's 5/3/1 percentages for my main lifts, with adjustments made based on what I've seen work for well for me (auto-regulating work up and down sets), and programming my supplemental and assistance work into 4 week blocks to address weaknesses.
 Sunday I benched at Old School Iron in Cleveland before stopping by my family's house for Father's Day and to meet my baby nephew Leo. I always love training at OSI, the environment is awesome there and the equipment selection is incredible. I felt okay when doing my regular work sets but not spectacular, all the traveling over the weekend had me pretty worn out. But I decided to do a work up triple with 315 after my paused sets, and actually felt really good and got 315x5 easy. I'm starting to feel more confident with my raw bench again, and while it's got a long way to go, I'm excited about it!
Warm Up (about 10 mins):

*PRI Breathing Drill - 2 sets of 5 breaths

*ShouldeRok Swings - 2 sets of 15 swings per side

*Dynamic Warm-Up - Toe touches to leg swings, lunge to hip flexor stretch, and spiderman hip stretch.

Strength Work:

A* Chin-Ups - 3x8

B. Bench Press




280x9 (3+ set) (rep PR)

315x5 (work up set)

C1. Close Grip Pause Bench - 2x8 w/ 225lbs

C2. Chin-Ups - 3x10

D1. One-Arm Dumbbell Rows - 3x10

D2. Shoulder Raises - 3x15

E1. Tricep Cable Pushdowns - 3x25

E2. Dumbbell Curls - 3x15

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