I probably shouldn't have benched today and will definitely get with my massage therapist this week and most likely take next week off. Strength wise I feel good, the last inch or so off my chest kills my shoulder though. I'm not really sure what the deal is, I've never had any significant shoulder pain before.
I have really been taking my time warming up and hitting a ton of upper back work, today was no different.But, today I added in "Colley Press" which I learned this weekend at the Elitefts UGSS from Nate Harvey, who had just learned them from Jason Colley himself.
Bench Press:
135x5x2 sets
275x3 - 2 board, still felt it a little bit in the shoulder
315 x 2 - 3 board, which was fine on my shoulder
345x3 - no board, which was my first working set of the day, I feel strong just hurts.
315 x2sets x5 reps- close grip - a lot easier on the shoulder
275 x 2sets x 8 reps - kept the close grip
Accessory work:
5x20 seated close grip cable rows
5x20 band pull a parts
5x20 rear delt flys - 15 lb dumbbells
Here is Nate's video of the Colley Press. If you don't follow Nate you should be, he's extremely smart and you could learn a lot from him.