Last time I ran this program I was making some great progress until the week before I was about to max out I strained my pec. My max going in to the program was 430 and I hit 415x3 before I was about to re test. I made some alterations to the program that I think will be better for me.

Warmup 2 x 20 dumbbell bench and 100 band pull aparts

Bench Press:
60%x8, 75% x 6, 80% x 4x5 , 75% x 5 - I based my percentages off of 420 max.

8 at 255 lbs
6 at 315 lbs
4x5 at 335 lbs
5 at 315

I felt pretty good and think it was a good idea to be a little conservative on my current max.

Accessory work :
Elitefts Yoke Bar JM Press (favorite bench accessory movement).
10x 135
8x 225
5x275 (shown)

Arnold Press 2x20