Coming off a high from yesterdays squat carnage I was confident yet still being a little bitch preparing to take close to my max bench press for 4 reps. During warm-ups my confidence was building as I had no pain and staying stable the majority of my reps. The ORIGINAL plan was to take 390x4, after whining like a baby cause that was my previous best bench at a meet 4 weeks ago, my coach dropped the top set to 370x4. This adjustment haunted me for two days prior to the attempt and after squatting the day before I said screw it and went to split the difference of the original chosen prescription and the updated one. This means I attempted to go to war with the bench press at 380lbs. Well, there is no hero story here, the bench proved itself again and got me on rep four due to fatigue and my triceps being little bitches. Not to worry though, this still destroy's where my bench has been at, the weight I have put on since the meet is helping and the workouts are proving that I am a 400lb. bencher regardless of what my mind says.