I've been working on some technical issues in my bench, mainly my set up and keeping my lats tight the entire time. I have a bad habit of setting up tight, and relaxing and having to attempt to re-tighten after the handoff. My last couple sets I could feel a huge difference.

I did a lot of really light upper back, tris and shoulders to warm up so I could take less reps per set in my warmup sets, so I could focus on each rep a lot more.

bar x 5

430x1 to a 3 board - also very easy

My 385 was pretty good from a technical stand point, but I could feel a huge difference in how tight I set up and how tight I stayed on the 410 and it moved even faster. Probably safe to say this would be a good opener for the Arnold.

Accessory work:

Machine Reverse Flys 4x20
Dumbbell bench press (slight incline) 20x60 lbs, 10x85, 10x105, 20x60 lbs
Wide Grip Seated Cable Rows 3x15