
Foam Rolling

Active Flexibility/Mobility

Muscle Activation Techniques

Dynamic Movement Training

Plyo Push-up’s on Med ball: 4 x 5

Floor Press

95 x 5

135 x 5

165 x 3

185 x 3

205 x 3 x 2


DB Rows: 4 x 10

Tate Presses: 3 x 8

YTL’s on Stability ball: 2 x 8


Things feel good, taking it on the lighter side. In addition I have been making sure to get in 3 days x 30 min treadmill and some kettlebell work. Next week starts another school year and with it means, back to 4:00 am wake ups.  I truly do miss the structure having everyone back to their lives, the chaos is the part I prefer to skip.