Fresh from getting my program in from swede, it was bench day. We're switching from a nine-day work week to a seven day work week, so figuring somethings out will follow the next couple weeks. Saturday looks to be my main bench day followed by my whole deadlift and squat regimen on Sunday.

I'm taking Mondays off and possibly Tuesday if anything early Tuesday morning I'll do some active recovery work. My secondary bench day is Wednesday, if I can handle that with only 24 hours rest I'll move that into Tuesdays slot and rest Wednesday.  Thursday mornings will be my accessory day and an additional active every day- depending on feel, is how I will treat the day. Fridays are off days but will be an active recovery day-- simple shit like weighted vest walking, biking, hiking, etc.


Joe Sullivan was there this morning, and I'm not sure what the "duffalo" bar weighs but I think he hit a solid double with 500 plus. Good for him, and good for me, starting over I need someone to chase I always perform better like that-- I still choose the music since my totals higher for now. I could see the guy going 2300 if he stays away from the weight cut (I think he finally learned, but TBD).

I ended up going with

385 for four doubles and 10 for my 5thset.

MSM was a red shoulder saver pad with 250 lbs for two sets of 12.


I did 10 x 10 BW pushups

Side a front lateral raises with 25s

Good day of training in and out in about an hour and a half, I'm going to try to push closer to the hour mark, conditioning while training is my goal for right now.