The first time I've benched without the shoulder saver since my little pec tweak. I was lifting by myself and didn't have a handoff or spotter so I didn't really go very heavy, but was happy to make it through pain free.
Bench press:
bar x10
315x5 x5 sets
335x5 x 2 sets
Close Grip
225x20 x 2 sets
135x20 x 1 set
Dumbbell incline bench
80sx10, 90s x 10, 100sx 10, 10 and 8
DB Tricep Rollbacks
40sx10 50x10 55x10 - 10 Dips between sets
100 Band Pull aparts
I'm typing this the next day and am really sore. If you follow my training, you know that is A lot of volume for me. I'm tryin to add in a little bit more over the next few weeks to add a little bit of size. We'll see how that goes.