Treadmill 10 minutes
Warm up: spider crawls 3 x 10 (up+down)
Bar (55lbs bar) 2 x 10, 10s 1 x 10, 25s 1 x 5, 35s 1 x 3, 45s
145lbs 3 x 3 - elbows were flaring a bit and still feel dehydrated (hence the shaking).
Feet up pause 5 x 5 105lbs
Fatbell floor presses (3 sec eccentric):
1 x 10
1 x 9
1 x 8 x AMRAP (22 reps w/ 18lbs)
Fatbell one arm rows 3 x 10 each side 44lbs
Cable pullaparts x pitshark rows 3 x 10
Low rows 5 x 20
Bicep cable curls 3 x 15
Light DB side laterals 3 x 15
As expected, certain movements felt heavy and need to be patient with transitioning into getting under a bar again. My body felt like it was trying to remember how to bench. Plan: 4 weeks of raw training.