Monday, I hit a pretty big rep PR on bench. The most I have ever done for reps with 200 is about 2 or 3 reps. I hit 3 sets of 6 with 200 yesterday! I'm incredibly excited about it!

I was actually planning on pushing this training session to Tuesday. I was feeling completely zombie-like after not having any sleep that night, and had a crazy busy day at work. The only time I'd be able to train I would have to do it completely alone, nobody to get a lift off from or anything.
At the last minute, a client cancelled in the afternoon. At the exact time one of my training partners would be on his way in.  I told him about my situation, knowing I just needed somebody to tell me to suck it up and do it.
Thankfully he did.
I had a bunch of caffeine, and was able to put my big girl pants on and train.
I only managed 3 of the 4 sets because on the third set my lockout on the last rep was all sorts of effed up. My right tricep started cramping before the lockout, but I kept pressing with my left. This made my whole body teeter right, making my left erector cramp too.

I layed on the floor for a while until my erector calmed down. Thankfully, they took video of me rolling around on the floor!
