Duffalo bar squats against 3 chains (90#)
Bar x 5
Add metal jack shit, straps down
Add wraps
Straps up
735x1 (825# at the top)

[Video on IG @thecaseywilliams]

Leg press 
Light 3x15

I was completely gassed after this. My red blood cell count has come up, but my hemoglobin is still low. For those of you that don't know, hemoglobin is responsible for transporting oxygen throughout your body. So I do get more out of breath than usual during training, but I can only do so much before my body throws in the towel. After this I went to a BBQ with Yessie and we were both home and in bed by 10pm. Annnnddd we may have slept 10+ hours that night. But it's taking me at best two days to recover from a session like this.