The RPS Canadian Nationals are quickly approaching. There are over 140 lifters this weekend in Brantford Ontario. This event is going to be epic. All I can do now is pray and keep this old body mobile.

My first powerlifting meet post shoulder surgery and I'm getting anxious as hell. Not sure why the anxiety on this meet I'm not usually like that. Maybe the fact it won't be my best meet ever is playing on my mind.

I have not had a ton of time to prepare post surgery and the green light to train. I decided to try this meet just to get back under the bars. It's like starting all over again but that's ok. The part of being an athlete is risk and reward. Risk of injury and the reward of getting back under the bars and on the platform.

As much as I wanted to train this week I am smart enough and old enough to know I can't. I have been trying to stay limber, loose and keep my muscles from seizing up like a rusty pair of brakes on a 1962 Chevy !

I decided not to cut weight on this event. I want to go in as strong as I can and have no excuses. I will competing in the Full Power Masters 50-54 and Deadlift only open. My deadlift is still my best lift and I hope to pull 400 at this meet.

The foam roller is my friend, however my best friend now is called the "Percussor". Compliments of Dr. Ken Kinakin, this machine is a life/muscle saver.

This machine provides mobilization of soft tissues and joints. It helps break down adhesions and scar tissue with the effects of vibration. The Percussor enhances power and strength by getting the muscles firing. It also reduces the results of the aging process in musculoskeletal structures.

I don't know what we did prior to having this machine but I can tell you it works. I am thankful to have crossed paths with Dr. Ken Kinakin who utilizes this machine in his Clinic where he treats hundreds of patients/athletes per month.

This machine can take my shoulder ROM from 80 % to 100 % in a few short mins. I cannot get under the squat bar without a treatment from this machine. Thank you Dr. Ken Kinakin, your knowledge, kindness and generosity is appreciated more than you know.

So for the week prior to my meet I have been stretching, foam rolling, joint mobility and using the Percussor on my muscles. I will have no excuses on Saturday. I will "Prevail", I will "Overcome Adversity" and I will represent Team Elitefts with the utmost professionalism !

Special thanks to my hubby and coach Ken Whetham who has helped me throughout this training cycle and is my personal P.T. I would not be able to use the Percussor myself.

Best of luck to all the lifters, I have lots of team members, friends, training partners and clients lifting and I wish everyone white lights, P.R.'s and a ton of fun.

#elitefts #teamoutlaw #driven #livelearnpasson