so all of this training is begin written and ran by Julia. The outline was to look at your bodies from a perspective of:
Primary: muscle groups that are lacking size with,
Secondary: muscle groups that are weaker in powerlifting.
with that outlines, we attacked what we felt were lacking for both of us. You will notice on these workouts that there is a strong influence from Meadows as Julia worked with him several times for prep. Imma just say now, pre-fatigue sets SUCK. We were attempting to Keep our main heavy movement (which will help with muscle density) at around an RPE 8. I Think I did a solid job at accomplishing that if anything I was a bit shy of an 8. I was surprised that my legs were not as bad on Tuesday as I thought they would be. I attribute that to not being dumb on our "heavy" movement and the help of the GPP phase.

Day 1 – Lower
Glute ham raise – 3x10:
set 1)+ green band
Set 2-3) + green and red band
B.SSB Box Squats (at or below parallel, normal stance) – do your normal warm-up sets then 3x6 @ RPE 8 (DO NOT FAIL… should have 2-3 reps left in the tank!) 385 no belt
C. Leg press – 4x12, do not lock out at the top, so more ¾ reps and controlled on the way down to keep constant tension. 45's (5) 35's (4)
D1. Weighted Step-ups – 3x10 each: 40

D2. Pullups – 3x as many as possible with good form. Use band if needed.
E1. SSB Goodmorning – 4x8
: 155
E2. V-ups or Hanging leg raises – 4x10: BW