So, this past weekend was a crap show with a lot of things that went wrong, here is a short list:
- friday night wife not feeling good, up most of night, skip training (will go Sunday)
- Son's birthday party Saturday afternoon, 2 people showed cause of snow
- Saturday night wife feels worse up most of night
- Sunday morning toliet does not work head to in-laws for day
- Wife diagnosed with flu
- go home to have her sleep so I can clean the house
- doing laundry and toilet and bathtub explode with sewage all over the floor (no more training, lol)
All that to say I did not get all workouts in last week and was feeling good today so threw in an arm day. Not to mention we drove up to see Janel Vegter today and she said, "you are good to train and you will get good blood flow" so, arm day it is.
A1) DB Skull crushers
A2) Dips
B1) Seated Zottman Curls
B2) Spider Curls
C1) Reverse Grip Tricep Cable Extensions
C2) Incline DB Curls