We changed gears on day 3 and 4, the reason for this was due to me feeling like our main movements were creating a max effort affect on me. In other words, I was feeling more and more like a powerlifter in this phase and not getting a pump. My body was feeling trashed and I was not getting good pumps, here is an example of how we swapped main movement sets and reps to create a better stimulus. Let's just say day four's are gonna get really interesting cause this workout killed
Day 4 – Shoulders/ Upper accessories
A. Cluster bench press @ 60% max – 3x3 with 15 seconds rest between sets (then let partner go), then another 3x3 with 15 seconds rest (let partner go), then another 3x3 with 15 seconds rest. PAIR UP with someone who is using similar weight. Keep going back and forth till you finish 3 full clusters. 205 (oops)
B. DB seated shoulder press – 3x8 with rest pause. (Rest-pause means, do your 8 reps, bring the weights down and rest 15 seconds, then do another 2-8 more reps. How many reps you get depends on how heavy and how fatigued you are: 50
C1. Chain rear raises – 4x15: 1 chain
C2. Band snatch – 4x20: red
D1. 6 way shoulder – 3x10 15,15,10
D2. Neutral grip DB pushups (close grip) - 3x AMAP: 30,20,25
E. Lying rope cable curls – 3x12, drop set last set: Skip