It has been my experience lately that if you have 2 weeks in a row where the movements are the same your second week is easier to recover from and you, more than likely, can push the weight a little higher on all movements. With that being said, I do not know if this is a sign of getting old or what but week 2 on this movement straight f'ed me. No really, to the point where my legs gave out 2x walking to the turf to lay down on my back and suffer (which was caught on camera). Never in my 8 years of lifting have My quads hurt so bad from a pump and wanted to cramp, I legit thought I had something wrong with my legs. Next 2 leg days just give this workout a try and let me know how you fair. I saw 1 person start puking from not breathing while doing the drop set, 3 other teammates have their legs give out and then me. After this workout I felt like I had the flu I went home and passed out for 45min.
Day 1 – Lower
A. Glute ham raise – 4x10 (add weight if needed):
B. SSB Squat Cluster sets – 3 CLUSTERS of 3x3 @ 60%ish:
C. Walking lunges – 3x down and back on turf (use DB, BB, keg, any implement)
D1. Pullups – 4x8 neutral grip:
D2. Leg extensions + iso-hold – 3 sets with massive iso-hold drop set on last
Set 1 – 8 reps:
Set 2 – add weight 8 reps
Set 3 – add weight 8 reps. Hold the last rep for 5 seconds at the top, then immediately drop the weight down to set 2’s weight and do another 8 with a 5 second hold, then drop down to set 1’s weight and do 8 reps with a 5 second hold
E. Cable pulldown abs – 3x15: Skipped, LOL