Adding a drop set to the bent over rows set training off to get a great pump! This made the rest of the movements super effective and freaking hard! Small changes to a set and rep scheme can make all the difference in the world.
Day 3 – Back/ Lower accessories
A. BB bent over rows – 5x8
B. Ladder bar pulldowns – 4x5/5/5 (5 narrow, 5 medium, 5 wide)
C. Stretcher pulldowns with V-bar – 3x10
D1. Band + cable face pulls – 4x15-20 (loop band around cable AND use rope attachment, so you have the band and cable as resistance)
D2. DB RDL – 4x10
E. Leg press – couple warm up sets then massive drop set – 8-12 reps per drop, 4-6 drop sets