Treadmill 1 hr

Treadmill 1 hr
SSB squats 155 10x10

Treadmill 1 hr
Deep tissue 1 hr

Big steak with an old pal

With my shoulder all jacked up I am very limited with what I can do. It's pretty much treadmill and hands free safety bar squats. It's boring, but effective. I know the weight is light on the squats, but I figured I'd squat three times a week until my shoulder feels better. There's no really good reason for it other than it's what I feel like I should be doing with my down time.

The shoulder is feeling better. I'm hoping maybe in another week I can test it with a little benching. Years ago I would have been freaked out because I was planning on competing the first week of April. Now, it is what it is. I'll either be ready to compete or I won't. It's for fun, it's not life or death.

I finally took a day off from everything. No training, no stretching, no conditioning. I just went out with an old pal and ate a huge steak. We talked training and trucks. He has a couple of BIG trucks with 40" tires. We will be super charging mine in a few months shooting to get it up near 600 hp. I figure it should at least come close to my raw bench.