I mentioned I was transitioning from a high bar to a low bar. Finding a consistent setup and getting my hips under the bar are things I'm lacking right now. I do feel a lot faster coming out of the hole, it's just a matter of time where squatting repetitively, for example, after squats just deloading the bar and working on positioning and being explosive will help me improve.

Squats 225lbs + 2 chains per side (20lbs heavier than last week) 5 x 2

Hatfield Squats 135lbs - 4 x 6

Spoto Presses 95lbs, feet up 5 x 5


Sled drags - 4 trips

Post training

I've yet been able to nail the crow position. I couldn't find my balance and my toes kept touching the floor. Something that helped was lengthening my neck and looking forward instead of down, and positioning my knees at the same time rather than one leg after the other. AND, I was able to go from crow to high push up! Yoga is doing my body good. Challenging my body in different ways has been very beneficial.


It was also nice to have the training crew back together after they took 2 weeks off.
