Warm up (no briefs) - last week of using SSB bar
Bar x 8, 105lbs x 5, 145lbs x 3, 195lbs x 3, 235lbs x 3, 285lbs x 3
I did these sets in a matter of 30 seconds. The guys were making fun of me, "is this a Dave Tate squat session?" as they kept adding weight. My reply was "the box isn't high enough."
I was running behind and jumped in with the guys. It was about 5 of us- so it was either do my warm up sets Dave Tate style or wait my turn each set. This time around I feel like I'm settling into my briefs; however, straps are stretched out a bit from hanging and doing the dance to get in them. Looking forward to the learn to train seminar next month to get some insight from the pros.
Working sets: 325lbs x3, 345lbs 6 x 3
Leg extensions 3 x 10 (heavy)
Leg Press (one plate each side) 3 x 10
Banded sissy squats 3 x 10 super set with weighted Bulgarian split squats 3 x 12 (30lb fat bell)