Last minute I decided to take a week off and just rest and fuel up. I couldn't remember the last time I took off. Did I need it? Maybe. My meet is a few months away and it's closer to prep time, so, why not.
Training has been going well in terms of consistency which I'm stoked about. Still going through the transition of getting in tune with my lifts since making technical changes. I've finally put my stubbornness to the side and trying out a low bar on squat. It's awkward and my wrist mobility is crap. Still trying to find a comfortable way to position my hand on the bar.
Duffalo Bar (2 chains per side) - 205lbs 5 x 4
Hatfield pause squats (light) 3 x 8
Spoto presses 95lbs, feet up - 5 x 5
Weighted step ups - 3 x 10 each side