The Tim Ferriss Show (podcast)
Thus far, this is probably my favorite podcast of all time. It's basically just a bunch of interviews of world-class performers from all walks of life: athletes, entrepreneurs, spiritual guides, scientists, celebrities, you name it. The interviews focus on the tools, habits, perspectives, etc. that these elite performers utilize in their everyday lives. The goal is to deconstruct these "superhumans" and their successes and find ways to learn from their experiences and apply the distilled principles in your own life and pursuits.
DAMN--Kendrick Lamar (rap album)
One of the best things I've listened to in my life. It captures the Black American experience in a way that's so raw and yet so beautiful, I think everyone should listen to it--even if you don't like rap music.
Tools of Titans (book by Tim Ferriss)
A really cool book that's more of a series of profile pages with all the highlights/takeaways from all the interviews he's done to date. It's not something you sit down and read through from page 1 to page "X", but rather a giant tool box from which to learn and pull from depending on what you need given your current interests, challenges, pursuits.
The question I'm pushing myself to answer each day: What's my mission?