Current total: 830.5 at 132 lb BW - Florida State and National Record Holder in Junior and Open Women's Raw division

Qualified National Strongman competitor and will be competing in Nationals this coming October to qualify for The Arnold in 2016

I am here to live, learn, and pass on.

I think about food all day, everyday, but today in particular, I was hungry in the entire duration of training. It was so annoying and frustrating, especially on a squat day. If you see me blink in the video, it's because beer and burgers came to mind.

Buffalo Bar against Chains 5 x 3

295lbs @ the top x 1 x 3

305lbs @ the top x 2 x 3

315lbs @ the top x 2 x 3


Supplemental Movement

Barbell RDL's - 4 x 10 (heavy)


DB step ups - 3 x 10/10

BW lunge walks - 3 x 100ft

GHR - 4 x 8

Ham curls - 1 x 80