Competed at the APF-AAPF Orlando Barbell Florida State Meet and won Best Female Raw Lifter: 297/181/352.5.

Current total: 830.5 at 132 lb BW

Qualified National Strongman competitor and will be competing  in Nationals this coming October to qualify for The Arnold in 2016

I am here to live, learn, and pass on.

Today was roughhhhh -- to the point where I asked if we were doing triceps on lower body day. After deficit speed pulls against bands, and losing my head in the process, I knew that I had to take it easy on accessories.

Today's training:

Cambered bar box squats (heavy)

265 lbs for 5 x 5

Event portion:

Deficit speed pulls against bands - 4 x 5

185 lbs with 1,000,000 lbs of band tension -- or so it seems.


Reverse Hyper (light) - 3 x 15

Hyper (light) - 3 x 15

Thank you for being a part of my journey. Suggestions and comments are always welcomed!