Bench day Saturday for the team who is 2 weeks out from competition.  Was I jealous, you bet, I haven't bench pressed in 5 weeks and I hope I don't forget how by the time I get my shoulder fixed but one thing is for sure, I am gonna have the strongest legs ever!

Rackable Cambered Bar Squats

Bar 60Lbs x 10/10

110 Lbs Pause 3 sec 5/5/5/5/5

160 Lbs x 3/3/3

Belt Squats (trying out Ken's newest creation, I think I'm in love)


180 Lbs x 10/10/10/10/20/20

Just testing the machine today, saving some up for squat day tomorrow ! Gonna take this bad boy for a real ride !


Superset with Sit ups with a 5 second hold between 5's

20/20  20/20  20/20  20/20

Training this weekend with Teammates Ken Whetham,  Shane Church and his beautiful better half Shannon Larsen, also Jack O'Rourke, Aneta Wilga and Matt Brass !

#squateveryday #quads #teamelitefts #driven