Training for the Women's Pro/Am April 14th. Programming by Dave Tate in italics.
At this point in our journey, we move into a more linear approach. I get into gear, and starting with 70%, work my way up to ~6000% in the weeks before the meet. We get heavier in the main work and start to taper off the accessories.
My upper training will probably more closely resemble my current training with speed(ish) days and max effort days along with more shirt work.
This week, my lower speed work has been replaced with a heavy 5x5 on belt squat and my pulls are 5x5 @ 60%. If you read my previous log, Dave and I talked about my need for (not speed) heavier rep work.
My squat progression will be similar to my last cycle- starting a lower percentage then moving up in the following weeks. However, this time around I am doing more reps as opposed to last time where I would hit singles at each prescribed percentage. My deadlifts will be a little different than previous training cycles. My guess is I will go up in percentage each week but will probably still be pulling reps. In the past I have just taken heavy singles here and there with some speed pulls (if any speed pulls).
The people that are competing rawr xD and don’t have my issues will be continuing with their speed pulls and squats as per usual.
- Warm Up
- Hanging Leg Raise
- Reverse Hypers
- Pull Down Abs
- Face Pulls
- Low Rows
- *2-4 sets (whatever you need)
- Belt Squats (briefs or raw)
- Work up to 60% of what you feel is your best max with this bar for 5 sets of 5 reps - attach bands to the machine as well - working against the bands - also off a box lower than depth.
Pretty much this just needed to be heavy. I have no idea what my low box banded belt squat max is (weird, right) so I just kept going until I was struggling. Went up to 4 plates and 4 bands total.
Oh also I did these raw.
- Deadlifts from floor
- 60% for 5 sets of 5
I’m still not sure if I want to go hook grip or the ol over under for my meet so I do half of my sets with hook grip and half reverse grip hoping one will jump out at me as the clear winner but I don’t think that will happen until I up the poundage.
- Inverse Curl or GHR
- 4 sets 6-8 reps
I do the inverse curl because not to toot my own hamstring horn but I would need to hold like a 600 lb dumbbell to only get 6 reps on the GHR. Also I guess it would be less of tooting a hamstring horn and more like plucking my ham...string.
Well more like a 60 lb dumbbell but still. I’m here to train. Not do unnecessary and awkward exercises. And get winded carrying a db. Anyway I used a quarter on the inverse curl. Way less set up.
- Reverse Hyper
- 6 sets 8 reps
7 plates total
- Ab and Adduction Machine
- 2 sets 10
- Free Time
- Whatever you want
As you can probably see (since you go back and look at my other logs for reference after reading one) our overall volume on accessory work is down since our main work is going up. So to not be a total idiot, I dropped my free work time to 2 sets each. Look at me and my GOOD DECISION MAKING. ARE YOU READING THIS DAVE?? LOOK AT ME AND MY CHOICES.
I did shrugs on the calf raise, rounded back banded good mornings, leg extensions, seated ham curls, stir the pots.
Wait I did 3 sets on shrugs and stir the pots but that's ok.