DB press

Using a flat bench, we take a weight and use 30 seconds while trying to get as many reps in an allotted time frame, if I were to miss reps I would hold the dumbbell in the lowered position until time expired.

I used 70 lbs for these for the first set and 75 for the final two.






4 x 16 (these are going well minus elbow pain)

Med ball throws

Lined up six balls weighing 20 25 25 35 35 40 lbs a piece, squat down explode in a chest pass fashion and throw the balls and sprint to other end and throw them back.

Yes, I said sprint, don't let the fat fool you. Ok more like a shuffle but you get the point- if you CAN sprint, sprint.


Using a tsunami bar, I added a 25 on each end, and this was done as a "cluster set" take eight reps and wait for 15 seconds and repeat for 5 minutes.


Two different tricep movement variations done as a cluster set as well.

Standing overhead tricep extensions -36 lbs with the short rope for 15's

Standing fat v bar pushdowns for 8's with whole stack (96 lbs?)

Both variations were done as a "cluster set."


"Offseason" is going well; I'm finding although I'm strong I have a lot of hidden weaknesses. I am getting excited to see what will carry over after these 12 weeks of training is finished. "you're only as strong as your weakest link." <-- Lame but holds a lot of truth.