The following details my primary chest, shoulder and triceps workout from last Saturday morning at Kirkland Gold’s Gym.  The workout was based on a John Meadows program.  Here is what I did…


Superset: Bench Press & Machine Flyes


Perform a few warm-up sets on each exercise before jumping into the superset.


Bench Press x 10 reps with 225lbs

Immediately followed by…

Machine Flyes x 8 reps with 145lbs


*The key on the bench press is to pause the bar on your chest briefly and drive to ¾ lock-out.  Move immediately to machine flyes for another set of 8 reps.  Perform the superset for a total of 4 rounds.


Decline Smith Machine Press


Set 1 x 12 reps with 225lbs

Set 2 x 10 reps with 245lbs

Set 3 x 8 reps with 265lbs

Set 4 x 6 reps with 295lbs -> drop to 205lbs x 8 rep -> drop to 155lbs x 10 reps


*Work your way up in weight while lowering the reps until your final set where you’ll drop the weight twice to extend the set.




Set 1 x failure with bodyweight

Set 2 x failure with bodyweight

Set 3 x failure with bodyweight


*Perform 3 sets going to failure each time.  Aim for reps between 6-10 and use an assistance machine if you cannot get at least 6 reps.


Superset: Cable Rear Delts & Spider Crawls


I used this band on the Spider Crawls:


Cable Rear Delts x 25 reps with 25lbs

Immediately followed by…

Spider Crawls x 4 times up-and-down


*Grab opposite sides (right-to-left and left-to-right) of the cable crossover pulley without any attachment and perform rear delts via the opposite of a flye for pecs.  Hinge at the shoulder and focus on holding the contraction for a split second.  Immediately go to Spider Crawls and really burn them out, especially as you approach the third and fourth round of this superset.  Perform the superset for 4 rounds.


Here is a video of the Spider Crawl portion if you’re not familiar with the movement:




Standing Single Dumbbell Press


I stood in a cage and grabbed the upright for support with the opposite hand from the one in which I was pressing – FYI.


Set 1 x 8 reps with 65lbs

Set 2 x 8 reps with 65lbs

Set 3 x 8 reps with 65lbs


*I hadn’t done these for a while, but they felt awesome.  As you bring the dumbbell down to shoulder height use a neutral hand position and press up to a pronate hand position.


Superset: Cable Pushdown & Overhead Extension


Cable Pushdown x 10 reps with 50lbs

Immediately followed by…

Overhead Extension x 10 reps with 50lbs


*Grab the end of the cable without any attachment.  The cable crossover pulley system at Kirkland Gold’s Gym has a small ball on the end so I grab it.  Facing the weight stack, bend slightly at the waist, pin your elbow to your side and work the extension through a wide range of motion.  Immediately follow it up by turning around and doing an overhead extension with the same grip.  Perform this superset for a total of 4 rounds.


That concluded this primary chest, shoulder and triceps workout.


Train hard,
