The following details my main chest, shoulder and triceps workout from this past Wednesday evening at Kirkland Gold’s Gym. My coach, John Meadows, programmed the exercises and I trained with Christina. Here is the workout…
Incline Dumbbell Press
Set 1 x 8 reps with 50lbs
Set 2 x 8 reps with 65lbs
Set 3 x 8 reps with 80lbs
Set 4 x 8 reps with 90lbs
Set 5 x 8 reps with 100lbs
Set 6 x 8 reps with 110lbs
*Use a slight incline and perform sets of 8 reps going up in weight until you can barely get 8. Control the eccentric and drive to ¾ lock-out. I counted this as 3 working sets.
Smith Incline Press
Set 1 x 8 reps with 225lbs
Set 2 x 8 reps with 235lbs
Set 3 x 8 reps with 245lbs
*Lower the weight slowly and drive to ¾ lock-out here as well. The goal is generate a lot of tension on the pecs.
Incline Pronated Cable Flyes
Set 1 x 10 reps with 35lbs
Set 2 x 10 reps with 35lbs
Set 3 x 10 reps with 35lbs
*Take care to control the weight into the stretched position on each rep and flex as hard as possible at the top.
Here is a video from a previous workout:
Set 1 x failure with bodyweight
Set 2 x failure with bodyweight
Set 3 x failure with bodyweight
*Be sure to get a good stretch at the bottom on each rep.
Superset: Cable Rear Laterals & Banded-Over-&-Backs
Here is the band I used:
Cable Rear Laterals x 20 reps with 20lbs
Immediately followed by…
Banded-Over-&-Backs x 8 reps with Pro Mini-Resistance Band
*Hold the contraction for a split second on the Rear Laterals to generate a good pump and then make your delts burn with some Banded-Over-&-Backs.
Cable Side Laterals
I used an old Flexsolate strap here – FYI.
Set 1 x 12 reps with 30lbs
Set 2 x 12 reps with 30lbs
Set 3 x 12 reps with 30lbs
Set 4 x 12 reps with 30lbs
*The key here is to stand away from the machine a little so your arm is crossing in front of you before you pull the weight up. This will give you some extra range of motion. I held the contraction at the top for a split second as well.
Single Arm Triceps Pushdown
Set 1 x 20 reps with 35lbs
Set 2 x 20 reps with 35lbs
Set 3 x 20 reps with 35lbs
*Lean forward slightly, grab the cable without an attachment, pin your elbow to your side and pump out 20 reps. I also took 20 second rest breaks to facilitate a quicker pump.
Decline Lying Extensions
Set 1 x 20 reps with 50lbs
Set 2 x 20 reps with 50lbs
Set 3 x 20 reps with 50lbs
*Rep these out and add to the pump!
Overhead Rope Extensions
Set 1 x 10 reps with 100lbs
Set 2 x 10 reps with 100lbs
Set 3 x 10 reps with 100lbs
*Now focus on the stretch during this exercise, pausing briefly in the stretched position on each rep.
That concluded this primary chest, shoulder and triceps workout.
Train hard!