The following details my chest, shoulder and triceps workout from Thursday of last week at Kirkland Gold’s Gym.  My schedule was a day off due to a long work day on Wednesday night.  Here is the workout...


Dumbbell Presses


Set 1 x 8 reps with 50lbs

Set 2 x 8 reps with 65lbs

Set 3 x 8 reps with 80lbs

Set 4 x 8 reps with 95lbs

Set 5 x 8 reps with 110lbs

Set 6 x 7 reps with 125lbs


*Press short of lockout on these to maintain continuous tension and save your elbow joints.


American Gridiron Incline Press


I used the following bar:


Four sets of 10 reps with 185lbs


*Bring the bar down slowly, pause briefly on your chest and then train for explosiveness by driving the weight off your chest as quickly as possible.  I lost speed by the fourth set, but continued to get 10 reps.  I didn’t want to hit failure without a spotter.


Pronate Grip Machine Flyes


I used a standard Life Fitness fly machine, but used the pronate handles designed for rear delts - FYI.


Four sets x 8 reps with 115lbs


*Do not over stretch on these or you’ll screw up your rotator.  Think in terms of 75% of your normal range of motion.  The key is to smash the handles together in the contracted position and flex as hard as possible for a 2 second count on every rep.


Incline Single Arm Side Laterals


Four sets x 15 reps with 15lbs


*The key here is to lay on your side on an incline utility bench set to about 45 degrees.  Move the weight straight up and down out to the side.  If you don’t rest the weight on your hip at the bottom it makes for some awesome continuous tension.  Alternate back-and-forth between sides non-stop until you’ve done 4 sets with each arm.


Lying Dumbbell External Rotation


Four sets of 15 reps with 15lbs


*The idea here is to lay on your side on a flat utility bench.  Start on your left side with the dumbbell in your right hand.  Pin your elbow to your side and move the dumbbell up and down while externally rotating your shoulder.  Alternate back-and-forth between sides until you’ve done all 4 sets on each.  You should feel these in your rear delts and by the fourth set they’ll be on fire!


Machine Triceps Extensions


Set 1 x 22 reps (failure) with 80lbs

Set 2 x 14 reps (failure) with 80lbs

Set 3 x 9 reps (failure) with 80lbs


*This is the machine where your triceps rest on a pad almost like a preacher curl, but your hands are in a neutral position and you extend them out while flexing your triceps.  Do 3 sets to failure with the same weight.  Rest no more than 60 second between sets and really push yourself until you hit complete muscular failure.


That concluded this chest, shoulder and triceps workout.


Train hard!
