The following details my chest, shoulder and triceps workout from Wednesday night at Kirkland Gold’s Gym. Christina joined me and here is what we did…
Horizontal Hammer Strength Press
Set 1 x 12 reps with 1 plate/side (warm-up)
Set 2 x 12 reps with 2 plates/side
Set 3 x 10 reps with 3 plates/side
Set 4 x 8 reps with 4 plates/side
Set 5 x 5 reps (failure) with 4 plates + 25lbs/side -> Drop to 2 plates +25lbs x 11 reps (failure)
*After a brief warm-up go up in weight and down in reps until you fail to get at least 6. At that point drop the weight a good amount and go again to failure.
Incline Smith Press
Set 1 x 12 reps with 225lbs
Set 2 x 12 reps with 225lbs
Set 3 x 12 reps with 225lbs
Set 4 x 12 reps with 225lbs
*Select a weight in which you can crank out 12 reps for 4 sets. You should barely be able to get 12 on your fourth set.
Cable Flyes
I did these standing with the pulleys set to about shoulder height - FYI.
Set 1 x 12 reps with 55lbs
Set 2 x 12 reps with 55lbs
Set 3 x 12 reps with 55lbs
*The focus here is on the stretch and contraction. Lift your sternum as you stretch back and then hold and flex as hard as possible in the contracted position for a split second on every rep.
5-4-3 Rear Delts
Three sets of 5-4-3 reps with 110lbs
*A video explains this technique better than words, so see the YouTube video below from a previous workout.
Superset: Dumbbell Side Laterals & Over-And-Backs
Dumbbell Side Laterals x 15 reps with 25lbs
Immediately followed by...
Over-And-Backs x 10 reps with 60lbs
*Use perfect form on the dumbbell side laterals before going straight to a fixed barbell and doing over-and-backs. Bring the bar to your chin in the front, press up so the bar clears your head, bring it down to about the top of your ear level behind your head; then back up, over and down to the front for 1 rep. Do 10 of these on each set of over-and-backs. Keep rest periods to 30 seconds and perform this superset for 3 rounds.
American Gridiron Close Grip Bench
I used this bar:
5 sets of 8-12 reps with 135lbs
*The key here is to tuck your elbows into your side as best as able - lats tend to get in the way, lol. Focus on pressing the weight up hard with your triceps after lowering the weight under control.
Here is a video:
That concluded this chest, shoulder and triceps workout.
Train hard!