The following details my chest, shoulder and triceps workout from Wednesday night at Kirkland Gold’s Gym. I trained with my friend Chris. Here is what I did…
American Gridiron Bar Presses
This is the bar I used:
Set 1 x 12 reps with 135lbs (warm-up)
Set 2 x 10 reps with 155lbs (warm-up)
Set 3 x 8 reps with 225lbs (warm-up)
Set 4 x 6 reps with 245lbs
Set 5 x 6 reps with 265lbs
Set 6 x 6 reps with 285lbs
Set 7 x 6 reps with 295lbs
*The key here is to perform a few warm-ups and then begin working up in weight doing set of 6. Lower the bar to within an inch of your chest and press just short of locking out.
Here is a video from a previous workout:
Smith Incline Bench Press
Set 1 x 12 reps with 135lbs (feeder)
Set 2 x 8 reps with 225lbs
Set 3 x 7 reps (failure) with 255lbs
Set 4 x 6 reps (failure) with 275lbs
*Perform three solid sets working up in weight going to failure at least by your last set.
Machine Flyes
Set 1 x 8 reps with 165lbs
Set 2 x 8 reps with 165lbs
Set 3 x 8 reps with 165lbs
*Pick a solid weight and do three sets of 8 reps even if you training partner has to help with forced reps towards the end. Try to briefly hold the peak contraction on each rep and work the stretch out of the bottom.
Giant Set: Machine Rear Laterals, Machine Shoulder Press & Rope Triceps Pushdowns
Machine Rear Laterals x 15 reps with 135lbs
Immediately followed by…
Machine Shoulder Press x 15 reps with 90lbs
Immediately followed by…
Rope Triceps Pushdowns x 10 reps with 120lbs
*Short on time I added this giant set to finish off the workout. Hold the contraction for a split second on every rep of rear laterals. Pump the reps on the machine shoulder press even if they become partials towards the end. Do 10 reps on triceps pushdowns even if they become partials towards the end. I want you to do this giant set for 4 rounds with 30 seconds rest between rounds. The pump will be insane by the end!
That concluded this chest, shoulder and triceps workout.
Train hard!
I really don't schedule in a rest week. Even when John Meadows did all my programming I typically went from one program to the next without a week off. At present, I listed to my body and back off volume and/or intensity if I feel like I'm hitting a wall. Sickness and lack of enthusiasm to train are pretty good indicators that you need to back off.
All the best,