Current total: 830.5 at 132 lb BW - Florida State and National Record Holder in Junior and Open Women's Raw division

Qualified National Strongman competitor and will be competing in Nationals this coming October to qualify for The Arnold in 2016

I am here to live, learn, and pass on.

The Battleaxe Gym  got a brand new toy!

We improvised and have been using a regular dumbbell but there's no comparison to the circus dumbbell because it is such an awkward object to press, and you want to learn how to use it come competition (if this particular event is in your competition).

Since this event is paired with the one arm deadlift, we took our time setting up (using the time we would be carrying the deadlift, which is similar to a farmers bar).

Circus DB Press

65lbs - 3 x 3

55lbs for max reps for time (60 seconds) x 2

7 reps on the 1st set, 8 reps on the 2nd.


Supplemental Movement

Axel Incline Press - my shoulders were pretty shot so I went light on this movement: 4 x 5


DB bench presses - 3 x 20

T-Presses - 3 x 15

Dips (with the slingshot) - 3 x 20

Arnold Presses - 3 x 15

Band pushdowns x 100