Happy New Year Everyone !
They say "Temptation" is the root of all evil. I'm not big on New Years Resolutions, in fact I generally stay off social media for those fews days for that very reason. If you seriously need the clock to strike at midnight and change that calendar year in order to get your shit together then chances are you and I really don't have anything in common. (I almost sounded like Clint Darden there)
But if you are one of those people then I am here to offer a few suggestion to help you kick start your year. I'm all about sharing, living, learning and passing on.
Let me put it this way, keep it simple stupid as the saying goes. Clean out your pantry, get rid of all that extra crap you bought for the "Holiday Season" because you thought you had too. Don't get rid of it by eating it all either, chances are you have more junk in your cupboards and fridge than anyone would need in 6 months.
People buy excess at Christmas because of tradition, because they think they have too, media has us all brainwashed into thinking if you don't have it then you aren't celebrating to the fullest. I saw a funny post at Christmas someone said, "No, not everyone likes the Lifesaver Books in their stockings" and it's so true, but a tradition, none the less, so we buy them and put them in our kids stockings. When I was a kid I got an orange in the bottom of my stocking. Small children do not NEED chocolate kinder eggs for Christmas or any time of year for that matter, choose wisely what you feed your children, you are setting the mold for his body early.
So back to my original message, Clean out your pantry, get rid of junk, chips, chocolate, crackers, ice cream, cake, pies, squares, cookies, candies, pop, all that processed crap we buy and fill our cupboards with. Funny thing to do is take a walk and look at people's recycle bins, that is the true tell sign of unhealthy eating, you can tell alot about a family with what's in their recycle bins.
Eating clean is really easy and believe it or not it's less expensive than junk. I have heard over and over eating healthy is expensive. I disagree, fill your fridge with Chicken, Fish, Avocado's, Tomatoes, Cucumbers, Lettuce, Spinach, Salad, Peppers, Banana's, Fresh Fruit and the list of healthy food goes on. I stocked our fridge and freezer with all this food for around $100, this will last Ken and I about 2 weeks.
If you need to be accountable to someone to keep on track, hire a trainer to get you sorted out and keep you accountable. Otherwise, help yourself, education is free and there is more education on Elitefts to help with fitness and nutrition than you could ever read in a lifetime.
Don't go on one of those fad diets, diets fail, fads fade, people fail, change your mind to change your lifestyle and make "Willpower" your best friend. Set some goals, find a friend or group doing the same thing, have someone encourage you and be accountable, you would be surprised how much this can help a persons self esteem.
Ok there you have it, clean out that pantry and fridge, stock it with good stuff only found in the "Outside Aisles" of the grocery store and get heathy, lead by example and if it's not good enough for you to eat please don't feed it to your kids.
#elitefts #livelearnpasson #dietsfail #strongher #driven