I'm competing in March at XPC Worlds pro day at the Arnold. I'm in the process of trying to figure some things out with my bench. If I had a good day on the close grip BP I know arm strength isn't an issue and I just need to address some technical issues. My play was to work up to 385 x 3 pause reps (a thumb length from the smooth on the bar).

bar x 5
385x3 - all paused and reset at the top.

Strength wise, I'm in a great starting spot, I need to continue to clean up some technique and I should be on pace for a big bench PR at the Arnold.

Accessory work:
JM Press with plates hanging from bands 5x8 *exercise and vid stolen from Nate Harvey. If you don't follow him, do yourself a favor and do it. He posts a lot of cool stuff, especially some of the accessory work.

Cable Tri push downs -heavy 5x10
cable facepull -light 5x20

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HANGING WEIGHT JMS Double up some minis or micro- minis depending on how much weight you’re using. Run them through a weight and hang them in a bar. Do a JM press. CAREFUL the momentum of the weights going downward can pull the bar right into your mouth. This is partially what makes the exercise cool, your tris gotta slam on the brakes. Pause in the bottom then extend up. As you Lowe your hands try to turn your elbows in and up. - - Less than a 25 on each side- use micros - 25- 50lbs on each side use a mini band - 50 lbs or more use a light band - 3-8 x 6- times reps #thisiscoachinggnotaGDfratparty #truthoverhype #love #peace #blessed #unicornpunchers #conjugateu #getstronghurtfeelings #elitefts #weretakinoverthistown #operationreigningblood #maxeffort #focustruststrength #LLPO #dontbeasheep #custombuilt #mymfsvsyourmfs #squat #bench #deadlift #jumps #agility #chains #bands

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