Squatted with the buffalo bar to a 10 inch box with an extremely close stance - which put me waaayy below parallel. We did the in place of our deadlift day. It really taxes the back and hips. If you need to build up your deadlift this is a great option.

I ended up doing 10x3 - working up to 455. I'll be sure to get a video next time we do these, because I think its a great option for a lot of people to add in.

A few sets I would lose tension on the box and have to rock to get back up, staying tight, almost like a pause rep made it a lot tougher and I think will really help my squat.

Accessory work:
I could feel my low back was already tight so I hit 3x15 light reverse hypers right away.

DB Straight Leg Deadlift 3x10
Glute Ham Raise 3x15