After coming off my best meet performance of my career, I am now officially a beat up powerlifter. I'm having some minor low back issues that I'm working on mending up, and then I'll begin to find a competitive option. My goals for 2017 are to compete in a bodybuilding show and also get back to the platform 100% healthy.

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Thursday I had to knock out another combo day due to planning on attending a wedding with Adrian. Things started off feeling rather well, but when I got up to my working weight of 260 for squat, I opted to take a nice slow approach. However, on the last set of 260 my right lower back really started to tighten up, so I shut it down. Pulls felt completely fine, and the hook grip is really feeling solid now. I wasn't really sure what was going on with my lower back, but I talked to my chiropractor in Indy and set something up for Monday. He thinks my hips are just beginning to shift out of position again, so I'm due for a tune up. No pain - which is great, just felt REALLY tight, so trying to be smart about the next steps. The good thing is I won't be doing any lower body work until Tuesday, so I've got ample time to give it a little TLC.

Items Used in this Training Session
Texas Deadlift Bar
Mini Band

Warm Up
PRI Breathing Work - 5 min
Hip Flexor Stretch - 30 sec per leg
Leg Swings (forward and side to side) - 10 each
Single Leg RDL - 10 per leg
Bulgarian Split Squat - 10 per leg
Goblet Squat - 10
Standing Band Crunch - 15

A1) Squat
*On the last set, I felt my right lower back really tighten up, so I opted to shut it down in the middle of the set*

B1) Sumo Deadlift

C1) GHR (Elevated) vs Band

D1) KB Swings
D2) Band Abduction

E1) Standing Band Crunches
E2) KB Suitcase Hold
2x30 sec per side