At this time I have no earthly idea what I did on what day. That's the reason I just added a conditioning section to my actual training journal. I'm finding there's more to this moving around sh!t than just doing it.

I can tell you that I conditioned every day. My conditioning pretty much rotates between the airdyne, the treadmill, and weight vest walks. On the treadmill I have been doing run/walks. The weight vest is of the 60 lb variety (I call it the heart attack). Sometimes I do 30 minutes, and sometimes I'll do 20. Sometimes I'll do it once a day and others I'll do it twice. Clearly, I am not being too cerebral about my conditioning. That needs to change.

The good thing is Jess was telling me how she heard walking 15 minutes a day can increase your life span by 22%. What she failed to tell me was that the study was based on people 60 and over. Women, go figure, she only gave me half the story. I think the hardest part of this is going to be making it to 60 first.