Sunday started out to be the first day in an entire month that nobody in the house had a fever. It's been a long month and I was the last healthy man standing until mid week last week.
As Sunday progressed, it become clear the fever hasn't completely left. By Monday morning I just wanted to get back into the gym and train. I probably should have given it an extra day. Things were rough to say the least.
90, 2x5
110, 1x5
140, 1x5
On the second set I couldn't even get the log off me for one rep, much less another 4x5.
Close Grip Shoulder Saver
Same story, backed the weight down to feel some success.
135, 5x5
Axle Strict Press
The goal was 3x8. I couldn't hit 95, 1x2.
I had no business being in the gym and trying to gut it out. I will push DL back until Thursday to give myself a couple more days to get healthy.