Disclaimer: EliteFTS Team member David Allen writes all of my programming, The exercises listed in these posts' are designed for me based on my needs as an athlete.
Starting out this gloomy Wednesday on bench press! I have not Pressed since the meet so I felt tightly wound this whole movement. We used reverse bands today setting up the bands to take only 45 lbs off at the top. I only worked up to 325 for the last set of four. We did six sets total, first two - eight reps, second two - six reps, third -four reps. The pump was great doing these with the weight chosen so I am not mad about it.
Finally got a training partner today. After we finished our upper body we moved to an absolute terrible quad exercise involving five second negatives and pauses. This was the end result of both parties involved....
All in all a great training day and I am ready to hit it hard come Friday!
*Reverse Band Bench Press
*Fat Grip Rack Slide Shoulder Press: work up to a heavy set of 6 and do 6 sets of 6
*Bulgarian Dumbbell Split Squat
*Leg Press Calf Raises: 5x20, pause at the bottom and the top for 1 count each, only rest 1 minutes